Nurse Vaccination Program
We will be offering nurse vaccination clinics to selected patients. These will be at a discounted at $20 less than a vaccination with a veterinary surgeon.
We would like to offer these to pets that have previously had a vaccination at the clinic with a vet, that do not have any ongoing health issues and that are not on long term medication.
Animals must be under 8 years of age. The nurse will not be able to diagnose other concurrent conditions (such as lumps/bumps or rashes) and will perform a very basic examination, but will be able to advise on diet, weight, parasite control and dental maintenance.
They will also be able to do nail clips and empty anal glands at the time of the vaccination. We would like to make it clear that these are not a substitute for a veterinary examination for unwell animals.
For more information or to book, please call our team on (03) 385 6156